Health is a condition of mental, physical and emotional well-being where infirmity and disease are absent. Being healthy entails being fit and having proper body weight, a normal height and a straight posture. A person who is healthy has a positive self-image. There are many things that contribute to theContinue Reading

Health is a condition where physical, mental and emotional well-being are at full capacity. This applies to both adults and children, regardless of their sex. There are different ways to look at health. Some would say that physical health refers to the ability to move around, take part in activities,Continue Reading

Health is a condition of mental, physical and emotional well-being where infirmity and illness are absent. It also includes the ability to cope with challenges and face problems with the use of healthy practices and attitudes. It is also the capacity to enjoy life without limitations and contributes to theContinue Reading

Health is a condition of optimum physical, emotional and social well being where infirmity and illness are completely absent. It is the sum total of all the conditions, both physical and mental, of the human body that together create a healthy man or woman. The dictionary defines health as havingContinue Reading

The concepts of health have always been linked to religious beliefs. There have been many references to God or angels throughout the bible. Health is a condition where illness and disease are absent. It also covers aspects related to quality of life like happiness, joy, and satisfaction with life. Today’sContinue Reading